Kaahée Research and Development GmbH

Liniengasse 15
1060 Wien

Wöberweg 6
4060 Leonding

E: office@kaahee.com
T: +43-1-2364531
F: +43-1-2364531-9

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ATU 65454000


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Kaahée on Facebook


Kaahée, Cachaca, Lime
fresh lime juice


Kaahée, Vodka Lime, fresh
lime juice

Kaahée Royal

Half Kaahée, half sparkling wine

Kaahée Spritzz

Kaahée, Prosecco, shot sparkling
water, fresh lime juice

Magic Boost

Gin, lime juice, Kaahée
fresh lime


Lime, lemon, orange
suggar, mango, maracuja, Kaahée

A stressful job? Exhausting sports? Hard party nights? Try Kaahée, the new lifestyle drink from Austria. The power of the prickly pear brings back natural balance when life gets rough.
Enjoy today - and tomorrow.

More about Kaahée

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